
Chapter 8 Network Address Translation (NAT)
P-2612HNU-Fx User’s Guide
8.3 NAT Technical Reference
This section provides some technical background information about the topics
covered in this chapter.
8.3.1 NAT Definitions
Inside/outside denotes where a host is located relative to the ZyXEL Device, for
example, the computers of your subscribers are the inside hosts, while the web
servers on the Internet are the outside hosts.
Global/local denotes the IP address of a host in a packet as the packet traverses a
router, for example, the local address refers to the IP address of a host when the
packet is in the local network, while the global address refers to the IP address of
the host when the same packet is traveling in the WAN side.
Note that inside/outside refers to the location of a host, while global/local refers to
the IP address of a host used in a packet. Thus, an inside local address (ILA) is the
IP address of an inside host in a packet when the packet is still in the local
network, while an inside global address (IGA) is the IP address of the same inside
External End
Enter the last port of the original destination port range.
To forward only one port, enter the port number in the External Start
Port field above and then enter it again in this field.
To forward a series of ports, enter the last port number in a series that
begins with the port number in the External Start Port field above.
Internal Start
This shows the port number to which you want the ZyXEL Device to
translate the incoming port. For a range of ports, enter the first number
of the range to which you want the incoming ports translated.
Internal End
This shows the last port of the translated port range.
Protocol Type Select the protocol supported by this virtual server. Choices are TCP,
Apply Click this to save your changes back to the ZyXEL Device.
Cancel Click this to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 35 Port Forwarding Edit (continued)