
Appendix A IP Addresses and Subnetting
P-2612HNU-Fx User’s Guide
address to computer A or setting computer A to obtain an IP address
Figure 116 Conflicting Computer IP Addresses Example
Conflicting Router IP Addresses Example
Since a router connects different networks, it must have interfaces using different
network numbers. For example, if a router is set between a LAN and the Internet
(WAN), the router’s LAN and WAN addresses must be on different subnets. In the
following example, the LAN and WAN are on the same subnet. The LAN computers
cannot access the Internet because the router cannot route between networks.
Figure 117 Conflicting Computer IP Addresses Example
Conflicting Computer and Router IP Addresses Example
More than one device can not use the same IP address. In the following example,
the computer and the router’s LAN port both use as the IP address.