dening words 227
nding and purchasing books 224
organizing the bookshelf 228
printing or emailing a PDF 227
reading books 225
reading PDFs 226
searching 227
syncing bookmarks and notes 228
syncing books and PDFs 224
text size 226
iBookstore 223
iCal 55, 258
ICCID number 192
apps 14
status 17
copying 12 2
pasting 12 2
accounts 75, 148
searching email 84
IMEI number 192, 259
installing apps from the App Store 178
international keyboards 199, 200, 248
Internet connection, sharing 24
Internet, connecting to 22
iPhoto 57, 258
changing browse buttons 105
converting videos for iPhone 103
deleting videos 103
Genius Mixes 98
Genius playlists 98
headset controls 46
on-the-go playlists 133
playing songs using Voice Control 95
playlists 99
repeating or shuing songs 94
searching 97, 101
settings 210
Shake to Shue 92, 210
sleep timer 104
iTunes Store
about 165
account 20, 165, 17 0, 175, 212
browsing 166
checking download status 172
Genius recommendations 167
purchasing ringtones 169
purchasing songs and albums 17 0
restricting 197
streaming or downloading podcasts 172
syncing purchased content 173
verifying purchases 174
iTunes U, syncing 53, 56
getting help 258
settings panes 54
Japanese keyboard 251, 253
JavaScript 208
Kana 251
kaomoji (facemarks) 251
Apple Wireless Keyboard 40
Emoji 251
external 237
hardware 40
international 248
layouts 40
switching 249
switching languages 40
typing on 37
Keynote les 79
adding a contact from 215
dialing manually 60, 245
displaying by default with VoiceOver 237
entering information during a call 63
making an emergency call 67
pasting a number to 61
Korea keyboard 252
languages, switching keyboard 40
Large Text 243
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 214
LED ash 12 7
in email 78
on webpages 86
location. See Maps
location services
resetting location warnings 201
restricting 197
settings 194
status icon 18, 139
using with Camera 12 5
using with Compass 157
using with Maps 137
location warnings 201
Lock screen wallpaper 36, 12 4, 192
lock status icon 17
locking iPhone 11, 12, 17
lyrics, displaying 93