Finding and Viewing Videos
YouTube features short videos submitted by people from around the world. To use
some features on iPhone, you need to sign in to a YouTube account. For information
about requirements and how to get a YouTube account, go to www.youtube.com.
Note: YouTube may not be available in all languages and locations.
Browse videos: Tap Featured, Most Viewed, or Favorites. Or tap More to browse by
Most Recent, Top Rated, History, Subscriptions, or Playlists.
 Featured: Videos reviewed and featured by YouTube sta.
 Most Viewed: Videos most seen by YouTube viewers. Tap All for all-time most viewed
videos, or Today or This Week for most-viewed videos of the day or week.
 Favorites: Videos you’ve added to Favorites. When you sign in to a YouTube account,
account favorites appear and any existing favorites can be synced to your account.
 Most Recent: Videos most recently submitted to YouTube.
 Top Rated: Videos most highly rated by YouTube viewers. To rate videos, go to
 History: Videos you’ve viewed most recently.
 Subscriptions: Videos from YouTube accounts to which you’ve subscribed. You must
be signed in to a YouTube account to use this feature.
 Playlists: Videos you’ve added to playlists. You must be signed in to a YouTube
account to use this feature.
You can replace the browse buttons at the bottom of the screen with buttons you use
more frequently. See “Changing the Browse Buttons” on page 134.
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