Play any track Tap the track. Drag up or down to scroll through the tracks.
Return to the artwork Tap the title bar. Or tap
Play or pause the current song Tap or . You can also press the center button on the
iPhone earphones.
Viewing All Tracks on an Album
See all the tracks on the album that contains the current song: On the Now Playing
screen, tap . Tap a track to play it. Tap the album artwork thumbnail to return to the
Now Playing screen.
Rating bar
Back to Now
Album tracks
In track list view, you can assign ratings to songs. You can use ratings to create
smart playlists in iTunes that dynamically update to include, for example, your highest
rated songs.
Rate a song: Drag your nger across the rating bar to give the song zero to ve stars.
Searching Audio Content
You can search the titles, artists, albums, and composers of songs, podcasts, and other
content you’ve synced to iPhone.
Search music: Enter text in the search eld at the top of a song list, playlist, artist list,
or other view of your iPod content. (Tap the status bar to scroll quickly to the top of a
list and reveal the search eld.)
Search results appear as you type. Tap Search to dismiss the keyboard and see more of
the results.
Audio content is included in searches from the Home screen. See “Searching” on
page 43.
Chapter 8 iPod