AT&T 8525
Play Music on Your Phone
To play music on your phone
1. Press Start > AT&T Music > Music Player.
2. Press Menu, select Library.
3. Select Menu, Update Library.
Click Done once the library has been updated.
4. Select My Music, All Music, scroll to the song you want to play, press Play.
Note: The number of files you can store depends on the size and format options of the microSD.
4. Select the clip you want to play and press OK.
Cellular Video
Cellular Video brings your phone to life. Watch news, sports, weather, and entertainment clips via
AT&T’s high-speed data network while on the go.
1. From Today screen, select Programs.
2. Select Cellular Video to connect.
3. Once connected, select the program options you wish to view and press OK.
Use the AT&T 8525