T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet
FCC requirements and are likely to be more
usable with a hearing device’s telecoil (“T
Switch” or “Telephone Switch”) than unrated
phones. T4 is the better/higher of the two
ratings. (Note that not all hearing devices
have telecoils in them.)
Hearing devices may also be measured for
immunity to this type of interference. Your
hearing device manufacturer or hearing
health professional may help you find results
for your hearing device. The more immune
your hearing aid is, the less likely you
are to experience interference noise from
mobile phones.
Limitation of Liability
AT&T shall not be liable for any loss of
profits or indirect, special, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from or
arising out of or in connection with using
this product, whether or not AT&T had been
advised, knew or should have known the
possibility of such damages. The user should
refer to the enclosed warranty card for full
warranty and service information.
Note: The pictures and icons shown in
the manual are just schematic drawings
for demonstration of functions. If they are
inconsistent with your handset, please
take your handset as the standard. If the
inconsistency exists within the manual
because the handset function has been
updated, please refer to the follow-up
public information from AT&T.