• Saturation: Tap to adjust the saturation.
Restore to default settings
Tap Restore to default settings to reset the camera or
camcorder settings.
7.1.5 Camcorder Settings
By tapping Menu Key > Settings in Camcorder Screen, you
can adjust the camcorder settings.
Camcorder settings
• Video quality: Select video quality.
• Video Encoder: Select the video encoder type.
• Audio Encoder: Select the audio encoder type.
• Video duration: Tap to set the video duration.
Restore to default settings
Tap Restore to default settings to reset the camera or
camcorder settings.
7.2 FM Radio
With the FM Radio, you can search for radio channels, listen
to them, and save them on your phone. Note that the quality
of the radio broadcast depends on the coverage of the radio
station in that particular area. The wired headset works as
an antenna, so always connect the headset when using the
radio. When you receive an incoming call while listening to
the radio, the radio will be turned off temporarily.