Secure Pop-up
You can control the popup which indicates
secure page or not.
Browser Shortcut
If set On, you can use the browser more
quickly and convenient with the key pad in the
phone. If Shortcut is on, the following number
of buttons is available.
1: Enter URL
3. Add This Page
5. Full Screen
7. Page Down
9. Search Text
2. Recent Pages
4. Page up
6. View Bookmarks
8. Zoom Out
0. Zoom In
Software Update
Menu 9.8
This menu is used to resume a postponed
software update. If new software exists,
the AT&T server notifies devices using a
WAP push message. Before updating new
software after downloading it from the AT&T
server, users will whether they would like to
postpone the operation. Reminder times can
be set to 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 4 hours.
When the time is up, users are prompted
again or users can resume the postponed
operation using this menu at any time.
Phone Information
Menu 9.9
This menu is used to view My Numbers,
Manufacturer, Model Name, Device ID,
Hardware Version, Software Version,
Language and DM Client Version.