LG Electronics B2100 Cell Phone User Manual

My business card (Menu 1.8.3)
This option helps you to make your own name card.
Key in the name, mobile phone number, home number,
office number, Fax number and E-mail address. After
creating the name card, you can access the following
options using the left soft key [Options].
You can edit the name card.
WWrriittee mmeessssaaggeess
WWrriittee tteexxtt mmeessssaaggee::
Use this to send the name
card by SMS.
WWrriittee mmuullttiimmeeddiiaa mmeessssaaggee::
Use this to send
the name card by MMS.
Deletes the name card.
Settings Menu 1.9
Text message (Menu 1.9.1)
This menu lets you set up default SMS information.
MMeessssaaggee ttyyppeess::
Set the default message type
(Text, Voice, Fax, Natl. paging, X.400, E-mail,
ERMES). The network can convert the messages into
the selected format.
VVaalliiddiittyy ppeerriioodd::
Set the length of time for which
your text messages will be saved at the SMS centre
while attempts are made to deliver them to the
recipient. Possible values are 1 hour, 12 hours, 1
day, 1 week and the maximum authorised by your
network operator.
DDeelliivveerryy rreeppoorrtt::
Select whether to activate or
deactivate the report function. When this function is
activated, the network informs you whether or not
your message has been delivered.
RReeppllyy vviiaa ssaammee sseerrvviiccee cceennttrree::
Allows the
recipient of your SMS message to send you a reply
via your message centre, if the service is provided by
the network.
SSMMSS cceennttrree::
Saves or changes the number of your
SMS centre when sending text messages. You must
obtain this number from your service provider.
Multimedia message (Menu 1.9.2)
Via this menu, you can set up the default multimedia
message information.
The following options are available.
Set the priority for the multimedia
messages you will send.