World time Menu 9-4
You can check the current time of Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT) and major cities around the world, using
the left/right navigation keys.
The screen shows the city name, current date and
To select the time zone in which you are located,
proceed as follows:
1. Select the city corresponding to your time zone by
pressing the left/right navigation keys one or more
times. The local date and time are displayed.
2. If you want to change the time display in standby
mode to the selected time, press the left soft key
[Options]. And select Set.
n Note The time zone setting of each city in World time
menu may be affected by network condition.
Voice recorder Menu 9-5
You can record a memo. You can record up to 3
memos up to a maximum of 30 seconds each.
You can play or delete the recorded memo or record
new memo using the left soft key [Option] key.
n Note In standby mode, you can go directly to the Voice
recorder menu by pressing the down navigation key.
1. Select Voice recorder- Record menu.
2. Once recording is started, the message
‘Recording...’ and the remaining time is displayed.
3. When you finish recording, press left soft key
n Note If all memo locations are full, you must delete an old
memo before recording a new one.