My Stuff
To reset the stop watch, press Stop
to stop the time, then press the left soft
key Reset.
Saved Times: You can see the saved
recorded times.
Tip Calculator
This feature allows you to quickly and easily
calculate the tip amount based on the total bill
as well as the split of the total bill based on the
number of people.
To access Tip Calculator, from the standby
screen, press the left soft key Menu,
My Stuff, Tools, and Tip
Unit Converter
This function allows you to convert units of
There are 6 types of units that can be
converted: Area, Length, Weight, Temperature,
Volume, and Velocity.
To access Unit Converter, from the standby
screen, press the left soft key Menu,
My Stuff, Tools, and
Unit Converter.
You can input a decimal by pressing the
Other Files
When you receive files of an undefined format
(such as .vcs, .vcf, etc.) via email, the files are
saved in this folder.
To access Other Files, from the standby screen,
press the left soft key Menu, My
Stuff, and Other Files.
The following options are available:
Send Via: Send the selected file via
Bluetooth or MMS.
Delete: Allows you to delete the selected
Move: Allows you to move the selected file
to another folder.
Copy: Allows you to copy the selected file
to another folder.
Rename: Allows you to edit the name of
the selected file.