My stuff
My stuff
Videos Menu 8.2
Show the list of 3GP, MP4 files.
❈ Root files
Play: You can play the video file by pressing the OK key or selecting Play from the
Option menu.
Send via multimedia message: You can send the message with attaching a video file.
Send via Bluetooth: Send the selected file to another device via Bluetooth.
Rename: change the file name of the selected file. The maximum length of
characters is 44. And You can not change the extension of file.
The following characters, \/:*?"<>| can not be used.
Delete: Deletes a file.
Delete all: Deletes all the files in the list.
Information: Shows the file information.
View by list: Sets to view the file depending on each type.
❈ Downloaded folder
Play: You can play the video file by pressing the OK key or selecting Play from the
Options menu.
Send via multimedia message: You can attach the video file and send it in a
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