Audio & Ringtones
This menu allows you to configure the audio
and ringtone settings for your phone.
To access Audio & Ringtones, from the standby
screen, press the Right Soft Key Menu,
Settings, and Audio & Ringtones.
ŹSounds: Allows you to set a sound as the
ringtone for your phone.
ŹVolume: Allows you to control your
Ringtone volume.
ŹAlert Type: Supports 3 ring alert types:
Ring, Ring & Vibrate, and Ring After Vibrate.
Full length music tracks cannot be set as either
ringtones or message tones.
Message Tone
ŹSounds: Allows you to set a sound as your
message tone.
ŹVolume: Allows you to control your
Message Tone volume.
ŹAlert Type: Supports 4 message alert
types: Silent, Vibrate, Ring Only, and Ring
& Vibrate.
ŹAlert Interval: Allows you to set the
interval alert to Once, Every 2 min, Every 5
min, Every 10 min, or Every 15 min.
Alert Tone
ŹSounds: Allows you to select a set of alert
tones. Supports 2 alert tone types: Alert
Tone 1 and Alert Tone 2.
ŹVolume: Allows you to control your Alert
Tone volume.
ŹAlert Type: Allows you to select to turn
Alert Tones to Ring or Silent.