LG Electronics TM1690 Cell Phone User Manual

To sign in:
1. While in Social Buzz, swipe right or left
(if necessary) and tap the Facebook
icon at the top of the screen.
2. Tap the Email Address eld.
3. Enter your e-mail address.
4. Tap Save.
5. Tap the Password eld.
6. Enter your password.
7. Tap Save.
8. Tap Sign in.
To update status:
1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Tap the What’s on your mind? eld.
3. Enter your status.
4. Tap Share.
To sign in:
1. While in Social Buzz, swipe right or left
(if necessary) and tap the MySpace
icon at the top of the screen.
2. Tap the Email Address eld.
3. Enter your e-mail address.
4. Tap Save.