LG Electronics TM1690 Cell Phone User Manual

TeleNav GPS Navigator™
When you sign up for TeleNav GPS
Navigator, you get the rst 30 days for
free. If you do not cancel the service within
the rst 30 days, you will be automatically
charged a monthly fee for the service.
TeleNav is a registered trademark and
TeleNav GPS Navigator is a trademark of
TeleNav, Inc.
To sign up:
1. From the Home screen, tap Menu
2. Tap the Organizer tab.
3. Tap TeleNav GPS Navigator.
4. Read the Terms of Use.
5. Tap Agree.
6. Tap the First Name eld.
7. Enter your rst name.
8. Tap Save.
9. Tap the Last Name eld.
10. Enter your last name.
11. Tap Save.
12. Tap Done.
13. Tap Get Your 1st 30 Days Free or Try a
Day Pass for $2.99.
14. Read the warning and tap Agree.