
VX9400 79
6.1 Answer Options
Allows you to determine how to handle an
answered call.
1. Swivel the LCD, then press [MENU],
2 times, , , .
2. Select Swivel Up/ Swivel Up or Any Key/
Send Key Only/ Auto with Handsfree then press
The setting Auto with Handsfree will only function
when the phone is set to operate in hands-free
mode. For example, when the Speakerphone is
set to on and the swivel is up or a hands-free
device is connected (such as a headset, hands-
free car kit, or Bluetooth device).
6.2 End Call Options
Allows you to determine how to end your call.
1. Swivel the LCD, then press [MENU],
2 times, , , .
2. Select either
SSwwiivveell DDoowwnn// EEnndd KKeeyy OOnnllyy
press .
6.3 Auto Retry
Allows you to set the length of time the phone
waits before automatically redialing a number
when the attempted call fails.
1. Swivel the LCD, then press [MENU],
2 times, , , .
2. Select Off/ Every 10 Seconds/ Every 30 Seconds/
Every 60 Seconds then press .
6.4 TTY Mode
Allows you to attach a TTY (Teletypewriter) device
enabling you to communicate with parties also
using a TTY device. A phone with TTY support is
able to translate typed characters to voice. Voice
can also be translated into characters and then
displayed on the TTY.
1. Swivel the LCD, then press [MENU],
2 times
, , , .
An explanation message is displayed.
2. Press to continue.