Emergency calls on your phone
If certain features are in use (Keyguard, Locking, Call Re-
stricting, etc.), you may first need to turn those features off
before you can make an emergency call. Consult this doc-
ument and your local cellular service provider. When
making an emergency call, remember to give all the nec-
essary information as accurately as possible. Remember
that your cellular phone may be the only means of commu-
nication at the scene of an accident - do not cut off the call
until given permission to do so.
Emergency calling
1) If the phone is not on, switch it on.
2) Press and hold
ù to clear display.
3) Key in emergency number for your present location
(e.g. 911 or other official emergency number).
4) Press
Use only batteries, antennas, chargers, and accessories
approved by the phone manufacturer. The use of any other
types will invalidate any approval or warranty applying to
the telephone, and may be dangerous.