
Playing the music tracks
Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level. Continuous exposure
to high volume may damage your hearing.
Operate the music player with the music player key on the phone or with the
scroll keys when the music player menu is open.
To start playing, press .
To adjust the volume level, use the volume keys on the side of the phone.
To pause the playing, press .
To rewind the current track, open the music player by selecting Menu > Media >
Music player. Press and hold the scroll key . To fast forward the current
track, press and hold . Release the key at the position you want to continue
the music playback.
To skip to the next track, with the music player open, press the scroll key .
To skip to the beginning of the previous track, press .
To close the music player and to continue music playback in the background,
press the end key.
To stop the music player, press and hold the end key.
Music player options
In the Music player menu, select from the following options:
Show tracks — View all available tracks of the active track list and play the
desired track. To play a track, scroll to the desired track, and select Play.
Music library — View all available tracks ordered according to Artists, Albums,
Genres, Composers, or Track lists. Select Update library to refresh the lists.
Track lists generated with the Nokia Music Manager are found under Track lists >
My track lists
Play options — Select Random to play the tracks on the track list in random order.
Select Repeat to play the current track or the entire track list repeatedly.
Media equalizer — to select or define an equalizer setting.
Add to Favorites — to add the current track to the favorite track list
Play via Bluetooth — to connect and play the tracks on an audio accessory
using Bluetooth technology
Use tone — to set the currently played music track (for example, as a ringing tone).
The availability of this menu depends upon your phone.