
Tip: To view the details of a found place, you can also select its marker on the map.
You can check where to go, what to do, and what businesses are available near your
current or selected location.
Search for nearby places and events
Maps lists nearby places and events, sorted into categories.
2 To see the location of the place or event on the map, tap the small map at the
top of the display.
To return to the nearby view, select
3 To view details, select the place or event on the list.
Local Scout may not be available in your country or region.
Check nearby events and places with Local Scout
Want to see what's going on in a given neighbourhood, and explore the world around
you? With Local Scout, you can check for nearby restaurants and bars, events and
attractions, and shops.
The Local Scout service is available in Australia, France, the United Kingdom, and the
United States.
Tip: To use Local Scout for an area other that your current location, open Maps, search
for the area or place, and select
Swipe to the following categories:
eat+drink — Restaurants, bars, and other places to eat and drink in the
see+do — Places to go and things to do nearby.
shop — Different types of nearby shops.
highlights — Places and events with the highest review ratings. To view the reviews,
select the place or event and reviews.
To sort or filter the results, select the link below the category title.
Share the address of a place or event
Select the item from the list and
Save an event or item to your favourites
Select the item or event and
62 Maps & navigation