Parrot MK6100
pairing a heaDSet
The Parrot MK6100 lets you receive calls on a Bluetooth headset to guaranty the
confidentiality of your calls. To use this feature, you must first pair your headset with
the Parrot MK6100 .
1. Press then turn the scroll wheel until the «Settings»
menu is displayed and then confirm.
2. Select the «Pair with ...» option and then «Headset».
> The Parrot MK6100 searches for Bluetooth devices and
displays the results of its search.
3. Select your headset.
The hands-free kit then lets you select the PIN code from two options corresponding
to your headset: «0000», «1234». To find out what your headset’s PIN code is, refer to
the headset’s user guide or visit the Support heading on www.parrot.com for further
Note: The hands-free kit only allows one Bluetooth
headset to be used at any one time. If you pair a second headset with your
Parrot MK6100, it will replace the first headset.
uSing the heaDSet
Transferring calls to the headset
• When an active call is being relayed through your vehicle’s speakers, simply press
the green button on the remote controls to transfer the call to the headset.
Note: when your hands-free kit is paired with a headset, the discreet mode
feature is no longer available.
SeleCting the VoiCe reCognition Feature on the parrot mk6100
The Parrot MK6100 lets you benefit from the built-in voice recognition system,
which is specially suited for in-car use.
You can select this option as follows:
1. Press then turn the scroll wheel until the «Phone» menu
is displayed and then confirm.
2. Select the «Voice recognition» submenu and confirm.
3. Select the «Select voice recognition» option and then
4. Place the cursor on the «Hands-free kit» option and then
press the green button on the steering wheel controls.
reCorDing keyWorDS anD magiC WorDS
To offer you as many features as possible, the Parrot MK6100 lets you record
keywords: «general», «mobile», «work», «home», «other», as well as magic
words: «phone» and «hang up».
- The magic word «phone» lets you accept an incoming call, as well as start
the voice recognition feature.
- The magic word «hang up» lets you terminate a call.
- In the event of a contact with several phone numbers, the keywords allow
you to choose the number to call.
1. Turn the scroll wheel until the «Phone» menu is displayed
and then confirm.
2. Select the «Voice recognition» submenu and confirm.
3. Select the «Keywords» option and then confirm.