Section 7
View Voicemail Messages in the Voicemail Folder
1. In standby mode, press MENU, then press the left
navigation key to highlight MESSAGING, press
Voicemail. Or press the left soft key Message and
press Voicemail.
2. Press OPEN to dial voicemail and retrieve your
This menu allows you to send and receive E-Mail using
Mobile Web. To use your E-Mail, follow these steps:
1. In standby mode, press MENU, then press the left
navigation key to highlight MESSAGING, then press
E-Mail. Or press the left soft key Message and
press E-Mail.
2. Using the up and down navigation keys, select one of the
following E-Mail providers and press .
•MSN Hotmail
•AOL Mail
• Yahoo! Mail
•Find More
3. Use the on-screen application specific functions and
options to use the E-Mail applications.