Sprint Nextel SCP-7050 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 2A: Phone Basics 45
Fr. Schedule List to use words you added in your
Calendar as Schedule.
From To Do Listto use words you added in your
Calendar as To Do.
NUMBERto enter numbers.
Signatureto enter your signature. (See page 66.)
SelectLanguageto select the language (English or
Erase All toerase all text (if applicable).
SelectTextto select stored text for copying or cutting
(if applicable).
Add Wordto store words that you frequently use.
(See page 46.)
TextOptionsto display the Text Entry settings menu.
(See page 78.)
When entering text, press [Shift*]to change letter
capitalization:ABC > abc > Abc(AlphabetMode)
:T9W > t9w > T9w(T9 TextInputMode).