Sprint Nextel SCP-7050 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 2B: Controlling Your Phone’s Settings 67
Setting the Delivery Receipt for SMS Text Messaging
You can set to receive a delivery receipt message confirming
that your message was successfully delivered to your
To setthe delivery receipt:
1. Select >Settings > Messaging > Text > Delivery Receipt.
2. SelectOnor Off.
Setting Drafts Alert for SMS Text Messaging
Drafts Alertgives you a reminder when you have unsent
messages waiting in the drafts folder.
Toset Drafts Alert:
1. Select >Settings > Messaging > Text > Drafts Alert.
2. SelectOnor Off.
Setting the Speakerphone for SMS Voice Messaging
You can set the speakerphone on or off for SMS Voice
messaging. By default, the speakerphone is set to on.
Tosetthe speak
erphone on or off:
1. Select >Settings > Messaging > VoiceSMS >
2. SelectOnor Off.
The Delivery Receipt feature may not currently be