White Paper Z600
17 September 2003
General information Note: For more information see “Java in Sony Eric-
sson mobile phones” at www.SonyEricsson.com/
Z600 has four games pre-loaded and more can be
easily downloaded. The games download is made
possible by a true virtual machine. The Sony Erics-
son portal for downloading of free games for the
Z600 is accessible with only one key press in the
games menu. The openness of the downloadable
games solution is dedicated to provide an
enhanced gaming experience.
Downloadable games can fully take advantage of
the phone´s interfaces, such as TCP/IP, SMS/MMS,
32 voices polyphonic sounds, and vibrator. The vir-
tual machine executes the downloading of games
for the optimal game experience. The user can
download an unlimited number of games as long
as the file system allows it, i e until the phone mem-
ory is full.
The downloading concept includes certification of
the games, which makes it possible to create a rev-
enue chain and favourable business opportunities
for network operators and content providers. The
virtual machine uses true sandbox technology for
the highest level of security.
mophun ™
mophun™ is a software based gaming console for
mobile terminals. It offers the user optimized
graphics and interaction access to ensure the best
possible gaming experience.
™ gamelets will drive traffic and increase
revenue for operators.
mophun RTE
The mophun™ runtime environment consists of a
virtual machine that requires less than 40kb of
memory. Its small size means that it can fit inside
the instruction cache of the host CPU. It has a
native code interface that requires as little as 10
machine instructions (depending on the host sys-
tem) overhead for calls to native functions.
CLDC 1.0
MIDP 1.0
JSR 135
Support Over the Air Recom-
mended Practice
Permissions Net Access
Heap size (RAM) 256 KB
Max no.of applications 50
Size of applications Approximately 60 KB
File system size Up to 2 MB
Number of simultaneous
executing applications