White Paper Z600
7 September 2003
Exchangeable front and back covers
Exchangeable front and back covers are available
as accessories. These covers come in an array of
wonderful colours that allow the user to change the
look of their Z600.
Whether it’s to complement an outfit with colour
coordination, make a pleasant change to your
existing phone, or simply match the way you feel,
Z600 exchangeable covers offer endless possibli-
New and innovative user interface
The Z600 has a new, innovative user interface
which enables the user to manage the phone in an
easy and efficient way. Combined with attractive
graphics in a wide variety of styles, the new user
interface gives the user a new and stimulating
The development of the new user interface is
founded on usability tests performed on a wide
range of mobile phones - Sony Ericsson phones as
well as competitors’. The result is a new interface
that is easier and quicker to use than the vast
majority in products on the market.
The keys to efficiency
The lay out of the keys is one of the many new and
improved elements in the Z600, helping the user to
find functions and features in the phone quickly
and easily. Conveniently and ergonomically
grouped together on the front, the two soft keys, a
navigation key, the back key and the “C” key ena-
ble the user to navigate, select and perform