
Security Glossary 1-5
If you are satisfied with the pre-defined User groups and their permissions, you
may not need to use this security module at all (except to add new users). For
more information on the permissions for pre-defined groups, see the following
section, Pre-Defined User Groups.
Pre-Defined User Groups There are six pre-defined User groups with default permissions. You cannot
remove any of the pre-defined groups or change the irrevocable permissions.
However, you can change the default permissions for any pre-defined User group.
The only users without default permissions (they only have irrevocable
permissions) are server supervisors, account supervisors and Assistants.
Assistants can perform the same actions on fax jobs as the person they assist. They
are not included in security because their permissions are completely dependent
on the person they assist.
Pre-defined User groups provide the structure for the security module. This section
discusses the pre-defined User groups and explains their default and irrevocable
If you want to add and remove members for the pre-defined User groups, you can
do so using the User Properties dialog.
In addition to the pre-defined groups and their permissions, you can add individual
members to sub-groups and set up permissions for the sub-groups to meet your
company specific requirements. For more information on sub-groups, see Chapter
View/Edit Server SetupDisplay and change the Server Setup dialog and all its
options. later in this guide.
Irrevocable Permissions
Members that belong to the following pre-defined groups have certain irrevocable
Server Supervisors
Account Supervisors
CommWorks IP Fax Managers
CommWorks IP Fax Users
Irrevocable permissions cannot be changed.
Server Supervisors Members of this group have all irrevocable permissions for
all objects, including:
Add Users
Control server set up
Set up security