1-6 C
1: I
Server supervisors cannot create fax jobs unless they also belong the Fax Users
Account Supervisors Account supervisors are created to provide added security
for individuals who need it. Defined properties of accounts might prevent server
supervisors (who create users) from viewing faxes, which are created by users in a
specific account.
The account structure supports three scenarios:
1 Non-ISP and non-VFN (identical to previous versions of CommWorks IP Fax)
One company owns the fax server, and all users of the server are employees of
that company. In this case, you might have just one account (i.e. the default
Account #1). All users belong to the one account and the server supervisor
might be the same person as the account administrator.
2 One ISP with several corporate clients
In this new scenario, the server is owned by an ISP. The ISP has several clients. Each
client is a corporation with several users.
3 The server supervisor is an employee of the ISP and is able to create new accounts
(i.e. add new corporate clients to the ISP's server). The server supervisor need not
be an administrator in these new accounts. Therefore, the server supervisor would
not need to view faxes owned by the various corporate client-accounts.
4 The account administrator for each account would be an employee of each
corporate client. The account administrator would therefore be able to administer
faxes, which are owned by that corporation, and able to administer the users
which are employees of that corporation. Each account administrator has no
authority over things, which belong to other accounts, nor authority over the
global Server Setup settings. These would be controlled by the server supervisor.
Each account administrator would also be responsible for adding new users to
their own accounts. It is important that this job of adding extra users to the
account should belong to the account administrator (an employee of the
corporate client), and not to the server supervisor (an employee of the ISP).
5 One ISP with many individual (home/end-User) clients
This scenario is similar to 2), except that each account contains only end-user.
CommWorks IP Fax Managers Members of this group have all irrevocable
permissions for all objects that are owned by the users that they manage,
■ Fax jobs
■ Attachments
Cover pages
■ Folders
User profile definition