
Starting Security 2-11
1. Change the permission in this screen. An explicit permission will override a
group-inherited permission.
2. Make a specific group for Sales Attachments. These public attachments are
accessible by all sales persons. Gallagan has permission to delete in this object
Figure 2-14 All Attachments Permissions by User
Resetting Security The entire security module can be re-set back to default settings. Resetting is an all
or nothing option, so unless you want to return to the pre-defined settings, you
should use the security module to make corrections.
To reset security and return to the pre-defined setup
1 Stop the fax server if it is running.
2 In Windows Explorer, open the server directory.
3 One of the server's subdirectories is \SECURITY; delete this subdirectory and all the
files it contains.
The next time you run security it will uses the pre-defined setup.