management (i.e. Console mode), The configuration commands are as follows (All switch
configuration prompts are assumed to be “switch” hereafter if not otherwise specified):
Switch(Config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip address
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#no shutdown
Step 2: Run Telnet Client program.
Run Telnet client program included in Windows with the specified Telnet target.
Fig 1-7 Run telnet client program included in Windows
Step 3: Login to the switch
Login to the Telnet configuration interface. Valid login name and password are required,
otherwise the switch will reject Telnet access. This is a method to protect the switch from
unauthorized access. As a result, when Telnet is enabled for configuring and managing
the switch, username and password for authorized Telnet users must be configured with
the following command:
telnet-user <user> password {0|7} <password>.
Assume an authorized user in the switch has a username of “test”, and password of “test”,
the configuration procedure should like the following:
Switch(Config)#telnet-user test password 0 test
Enter valid login name and password in the Telnet configuration interface, Telnet user