7.5.3 IGMP Snooping static multicast configuration
Click IGMP Snooping static multicast configuration. Users can configure IGMP Snooping
static multicast. IGMP Snooping static multicast configuration
The explanation of each field is as below:
VLAN ID – Configure Vlan ID
Multicast group member port – Configure multicast group member port
Multicast address – Configure multicast address
Operation type – Add: Add static multicast member port; Remove: Remove static
multicast member port.
See the equivalent CLI command at
For example: Select Vlan in the VLAN ID dropdown menu; select port in the
Multicast group member port dropdown menu; set Multicast address; set Operation type
to Add, and then click Apply. IGMP Snooping display
Select a Vlan in the VLAN ID list of static multicast configuration. The IGMP
Snooping information is displayed. See the equivalent CLI command at