Click Mapping CoS values to egress queue to entry the configure page. It is equivalent to
CLI command
All sections describe as following:
z Queue-ID
z CoS value-Mapping CoS values to Egress queue. Up to 8 queue to be supported.
z Reset-Will set column as startup defaults. This command will not modify the
z Default-Will back to startup setting. This command will modify the configuration.
If would like to set the packet with CoS value 2/3 to mapping egress queue 1, the
Queue-ID should be set as 1 and CoS value be set with value 2/3, then click Apply. QoS Mapping Configuration
Click QoS mapping configuration to display extensions, including sections as following:
1. CoS-to-DSCP mapping
2. DSCP-to-CoS mapping
3. DSCP mutation mapping
4. IP-Precedence-to-DSCP mapping
5. DSCP mark down mapping
These configurations are equivalent to CLI command13. CoS-to-DSCP Mapping
Click CoS-to-DSCP mapping to entry the configure page.
All sections describe as following:
z CoS-CoS value 0-7
z DSCP-Up to 8 DSCP mutations and mapping to CoS value 0~7