SETKEY Utility
The SETKEY utility enables you to set the keyboard
typematic rate and the key repeat delay rate. This utility
also sets or displays the current settings for the PS/2 port
(Windows-based units only).
The utility displays the following screen and returns to the
MS-DOS prompt.
Usage: SETKEY [/rx /dx /nx /px /S]
/rx char repeat rate, x is:
v - 30 cps
f - 20 cps
n - 10 cps (default)
s - 5 cps
c - 2 cps
/dx char repeat delay, x is:
1 - 1 second
2 - .75s
3 - .5s (default)
4 - .25s
Character Repeat Rate
The character repeat rate, set using the rx code, enables
you to adjust the number of characters per second (cps) the
keyboard generates when you hold down an alphanumeric
key. You can set the rate from 2 cps to 30 cps as shown on
CURSOR command listing. The default repeat rate is
10 cps.
Character Repeat Delay
The character repeat delay, set using the dx code, lets you
adjust the time you must hold down a key before the
typematic feature starts. You can set the delay from 0.25 to
1 second as shown on the
CURSOR command listing. The
default delay value is 0.5 second.
SETKEY Utility
9-10 Other Utilities