Creating Help Displays
You can custom design your own Help displays to show
information for your own programs or off-the-shelf
applications. You also can add subjects and related
descriptions to the
HELP.DAT file created at the factory.
Use an
ASCII word processor or editor (such as the MS-DOS
Edit utility) to create and edit the HELP.DAT files or an editor
that creates or “exports” files in
ASCII format.
Rules for Creating Help Files
Use the following rules to create your own help files.
: : HELP — must always be the first line in the file,
with the first colon in column 0
: T — precedes the main title for the help display
: C X BF — precedes the colors used for the help
menus, where X selects one of the following menus to
assign a color:
1 = main menu
2 = subject name box
3 = subject description box
4 = error message menu
5 = help menu
6 = print menu
Creating Help Displays I-1