bits per second — The speed at which your computer
receives or sends data to a device such as a modem or
serial printer.
boot — To start your computer; also called start-up and
bps — See bits per second.
brightness control — A control that allows you to adjust the
brightness of the display.
buffer — A portion of the computer’s memory that
temporarily holds information used by a program; for
example, the portion of a document you are working on
while using a word processor.
bug — An error in the hardware or software of your
computer that causes an operation to perform incorrectly.
byte — A grouping of eight binary digits (bits) that your
computer treats as one unit; usually represents one character.
cache — A software device that accumulates copies of
recently used disk sectors in
RAM. The application program
can then read these copies without accessing the disk,
thereby increasing performance.
central processing unit (
CPU) — The electronic circuits in
your computer where most processing of information takes
Glossary 3