Clock and Calendar Function, adding the time and date to the output data.
GLP/GMP Output, using the RS-232C serial interface.
Reference Sheet, provided for a quick reference to the balance operation.
Windows Communication Tools (WinCT), allows easy communication with a Windows-based
personal computer.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Multiple Weighing Units, with most of the common units used around the world.
Auto display-ON Function, that displays the weighing mode without any key operation when the
AC adapter is plugged in, is available.
Stainless Steel Casing with high chemical resistance for the AD-4212B weighing unit
Stainless Steel Breeze Break, provided for the AD-4212B series balance and the
AD-4212A-100, for more accurate weighing. For the other models, it is available as an option
BCD Output (OP-01) and Ethernet Interface (OP-08) are available as options
1-2 Compliance
Compliance with FCC Rules
Please note that this equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. This
equipment has been tested and has been found to comply with the limits of a Class A
computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules. These rules are designed to
provide reasonable protection against interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. If this unit is operated in a residential area, it may cause some
interference and under these circumstances the user would be required to take, at his own
expense, whatever measures are necessary to eliminate the interference.
(FCC = Federal Communications Commission in the U.S.A.)
Compliance with EMC Directives
This device features radio interference suppression in compliance with valid EC
Regulation 89/336/EEC.