20-1 Description of "Averaging range" and "Averaging time"
Averaging range ( f1-b ) and averaging time ( f1-t )
1. When the fluctuation of a weight value is beyond the range that is selected in "f1-b", the
averaging operation is disabled and the display reflects the varying value.
2. Once the fluctuation becomes within the selected range, the averaging operation starts to
stabilize the weight value.
3. The process of averaging increases. When the selected time is reached, moving averaging will
be performed.
When a small amount of sample is weighed or is filled, the fluctuation of a weight value is too small
to be beyond the selected range and the averaging operation is not disabled. Consequently
moving averaging is always performed and it takes a longer time to reach the final weight value.
Under such a situation, change the setting of "f1-b" to a smaller range. But please note that the
smaller the range is, the more prone to external disturbance the value will become.