If the balance is to be used in a range other than shown above, contact the local A&D dealer.
To avoid the effect by static electricity or magnetism, use materials other than resin or
magnetic materials when designing a special weighing pan.
When a special weighing pan is used, the zero point may be shifted greatly right after the
AC adapter is plugged in. Press the RE-ZERO key before weighing to cancel the amount of
zero drift as necessary.
Mass range
to be weighed
of special
weighing pan
Mass range
to be weighed
of special
weighing pan
When the weighing pan, pan support plate
and pan support are removed
When the weighing pan and
pan support plate are removed
610 g
110 g
210 g
510 g
610 g
150 g
210 g
550 g
Mass range
to be weighed
of special
weighing pan
Mass range
to be weighed
of special
weighing pan
When the weighing pan, pan support plate
and pan support are removed
When the weighing pan and
pan support plate are removed
1100 g
110 g
210 g
1000 g
1100 g
150 g
210 g
1040 g