ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 19
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
2.4 Pathtrace Format
Pathtrace is a term used to describe the 64-byte data stream that is transmitted between all DIF-
connected modules in the Digivance CXD/NXD system. The contents of the pathtrace strings
have been designed such that each set of connected tenant equipment will transmit/receive a
pathtrace string containing information about that particular tenant. The following is their
format of the pathtrace string:
<Tenant ID><delimiter><IP Address><delimiter><Path Flag>
• The Tenant ID sub-string is comprised of four particular pieces of information: Tenant
Name, BTS ID, BTS Sector, and Tenant Band. These four pieces of information form the
Tenant ID sub-string, where each piece of information is delimited by a single character
(currently a colon “:”).
• The IP Address sub-string indicates the IP Address of the CPU node that transmits the
pathtrace string.
• The Path Flag is a one-character string, “M”, “P”, or “D” that indicates the path on which
the path trace was transmitted (M = Main Forward, P = Primary Reverse, D = Diversity
Reverse). The delimiter used to separate the primary sub-strings of the pathtrace string is a
single character, currently a comma (“,”).
An example of a complete pathtrace string is as follows:
2.4.1 Pathtrace Creation
Pathtrace is automatically created using information contained in the BTS Connection MIB.
2.4.2 Pathtrace Forward Transmission
Though the BIM, FBHDC, and FSC all create the pathtrace string and report it in their MIBs,
the FSC is the originator of the pathtrace string in the forward path of the system. The pathtrace
string will be routed to all RANs belonging to this tenant.
2.4.3 Pathtrace Forward Reception
In the forward path, the SIF or FIC modules in the Hub that are connected to the FSC outputs, as
well as the SIFs or FICs in the simulcasted RANs, pass-through the pathtrace strings from their
inputs to their outputs. In addition, the SIF Hardware Control Process (HCP) report the passed-
through pathtrace strings in the SIF or FIC MIB for use by tenant processing and other higher-
level processes.