ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007 • Preface
Page 5
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
This manual provides the following information:
• An overview of the Digivance CXD/NXD system;
• A description of the CXD/NXD system Radio Access Node (RAN);
• Installation procedures for the RAN;
• Maintenance procedures for the RAN;
• Product support information.
Procedures for installing and operating other CXD/NXD system components including the
system “Hub” and the EMS software that provides a user interface for the system, are available
in other ADC publications, listed under “Related Publications” below, and at appropriate points
within this manual.
Listed below are related manuals, their content, and their publication numbers. Copies of these
publications can be ordered by contacting the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-366-3891,
extension 73476 (in U.S.A. or Canada) or 952-917-3476 (outside U.S.A. and Canada). All ADC
technical publications are available for downloading from the ADC web site at www.adc.com.
Digivance CXD/NXD Hub Installation and Maintenance Manual 75-193
Provides instructions for installing and operating the CXD/NXD system Hub.
Digivance CXD/NXD SNMP Agent and Fault Isolation User Guide 75-195
Describes how to troubleshoot the system using the objects accessed through
the CXD/NXD system SNMP agents.
Digivance CXD/NXD Element Management System User Manual 75-199
Provides instructions for installing and using the Element Management System
(EMS) software for the CXD/NXD system.
Digivance NXD Multi-Band Distributed Antenna System Operation Manual 75-209
Provides instructions for turning up and operating NXD equipment.
2 in. O.D. Quad Cellular/PCS Omni-Directional Antenna Installation Manual 75-215
Provides instructions for installing an RF antenna for the CXD/NXD system
9 in. O.D. Quad Cellular/PCS Omni-Directional Antenna Installation Manual 75-221
Provides instructions for installing an RF antenna for the CXD/NXD system
Title/Description ADCP Number