ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 52
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
4.2.6 FIC Software Upgrade
Use this procedure to upgrade the software on the FIC compact flash card.
1. FTP the upgrade.tar file to /tmp on the FIC.
2. ssh to the FIC using the “root” login.
3. cd to the /tmp directory and untar the upgrade.tar file.
4. If needed, shut down the running software on the FIC using the command:
/etc/init.d/digivance stop
5. Overwrite the current software with the files that were untarred using the commands:
cd upgrade
cp -r * /
6. If needed, restart the software using the command:
etc/init.d/digivance start
7. Update the backup file system on the compact flash, as follows:
a. Run the command “cat /proc/cmdline” to determine if /xsysace/disc0/part1 or if /
xsysace/disc0/part2 is being used by the Linux kernel.
– If part1, then mount the backup partition using the command:
mount /mnt/part3
– If part2, mount the partition using the command:
mount /mnt/part2
b. Overwrite the software on the backup partition using the untarred files with the
cp -r * /mnt/part?
c. Unmount the backup partition using the command:
umount /mnt/part?
8. Remove the upgrade files using the commands:
cd /tmp; rm -rf upgrade upgrade.tar
4.3 Backup/Restore
There are several files on a hubmaster CPU being upgraded that should be backed up in case
something goes wrong with the upgrade and need to be restored. This set of files includes the
MIBmap files where MIB data is stored, as well as several system configuration files.
The upgrade executable will automatically run the backup script to take care of backing up all
key files. These files will be bundled into a file that will be stored on the CPU being upgraded,
in the /var directory. This file will be given a name that associates it with version of the upgrade
being performed, for example: backup-pre-2.1.0.tar.gz.