Chapter 7: Second Level Commands June 30, 2006
7-64 SG1-UM-8500-03
<slot number>
This is the SCC slot number; valid number range is 0 to 2.
<port number>
This is the SCC port number; valid values are 1 or 2.
This is the SCC for ATM sub-interface number; valid number range is 1 to 4095.
Using the mpls l2transport interface command
This command defines an MPLS l2vpn interface based on Martini. In order to change the mpls interface parameters,
the command should be deleted using the no mpls 12transport interface command and then reconfigured. The
maximum number of mpls l2transport interfaces in the system is 2,000.
mpls l2transport interface <destination> <vc-id> [<type <<ethernet> | <VLAN
<VLAN-ID>>> <IP address> <mask>]
This specifies the LDP IP address of the remote PE; it should be a valid IP address.
This assigns a VC ID to the virtual circuit between the system and the remote PE.
This is the terminated interface type L2 encapsulation.
This the VLAN identifier.
<IP address>
This is the interface IP address.
This is the interface IP mask.
Host(config)# no mpls ip Ethernet 0\1
Host(config)# mpls l2transport interface