Chapter 3: Command-Line Interface (CLI) June 30, 2006
3-2 SG1-UM-8500-03
Navigate the command-line interface by entering a command name or a command string to move to the appropriate
command level. The command level is indicated by the prompt. You can abbreviate command-line interface
commands if the abbreviations are distinct; however, you must use at least two letters of the command. Also, the
commands are not case sensitive. The following general and navigation commands are available from each prompt
(see Table 3-2 below and Table 3-3 on page 3-3, respectively).
Table 3-2. General Commands
Command Path Navigation
For each command that provides configuration or management of a SG-1 system, a path is provided in the
applicable section of the user document to help locate that command in the command-line interface structure. The
path will be displayed in a box before the description of the command.
Debug Use the commands in this first level menu to display system parameters
such as:
• Memory allocation
• Network/tunnel connections
• Sonet clock source
Configuration-Debug Use the commands in this third level menu to configure system debug
messages such as:
• Error and event level
• Time server IP address
• Log server IP address
Enter the following command: To:
? Display a list of commands available from the
current prompt.
command name? (for example, show?) Display an explanation of a particular command.
Exit Leave the current level and return to the
upper level.
Menu Types of Commands