Accessing Storage Devices
6-00025-01 Rev A Preface P-3
Purpose of
This Book
This book:
• Provides an alphabetical list of supported libraries and
• Includes any AMASS-specific configuration, loading, and
unloading information essential for the successful archiving
of data onto media in these storage devices
• Describes how to use a special AMASS interface for
standalone drives
Who Should
Read This
This book is written for the system administrator who needs to
know the following:
• Specific configuration and operation requirements for a
storage device
• How to interface AMASS with a standalone drive
How This
Book is
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Connectivity and Media
Preparation — Network- and SCSI-connections, tape
drive features, and summary of steps to prepare media for use
Chapter 2: Supported Libraries — Alphabetical
list of supported robotic libraries and juke boxes
Chapter 3: Supported Drives — Alphabetical list of
supported drives, including standalone drives