Accessing Storage Devices
6-00025-01 Rev A Preface P-5
The CD contains the AMASS books formatted as PDF files,
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The books described below are part of the technical
documentation set:
To make corrections or to comment on AMASS publications,
please contact Technical Publications at techdocs@adic.com.
AMASS Overview
An introduction to AMASS (Archival
Management and Storage System).
Contains a glossary.
Accessing Storage Devices
Alphabetically lists supported libraries and
drives and provides AMASS-specific
operating information. Describes how to use
AMASS with standalone drives.
Installing AMASS
Describes: server requirements, installation
and troubleshooting procedures, and
configuration parameters.
Managing the AMASS File
Perform system administrative tasks with
AMASS commands and troubleshoot
problems with AMASS utilities and
Errors and Corrective
Provides corrective action for system log
Quick Reference Guide
Summarizes commands and utilities.