Accessing Storage Devices
1-6 Connectivity and Media Preparation 6-00025-01 Rev A
DLT Media
Media formatted on DLT 7000 drives cannot be used by DLT
4000 drives. Currently, AMASS returns an error message
stating “Volume header verification failure.”
If your site uses both drive types, format media only on DLT
4000 drives so it can be used by both DLT 4000 and 7000
drives. As a consequence, the media will have a capacity of
25GB. (DLT 7000 tapes have a 35GB capacity.)
DLT 7000 Directory Fixes
To prevent any media or drive problems, AMASS will perform
the following tasks if a directory problem is reported by a DLT
7000 drive:
Step 1. Marks the volume INACTIVE and READONLY
and reports this action to the AMASS File System
Step 2. Prints a message to the system log stating: “E1035:
DLT drive directory error on specified
drive, on specified juke; rebuilding
directory for specified volume ....”
Manufacturing variations make “equal” tapes have variable lengths.
Consequently, AMASS does not check tape lengths before allowing
you to do the
volcopy process.
The system administrator must make sure the source and
destination tapes are the same types.
However, AMASS will check MO and WORM lengths.