4-88 DAS ACI Functions
See Table 4-33 for an explanation of the req_types.
Table 4-32 Parameters for the aci_list2 Function Call
Parameter Description
clientname Name of the client that receives the active request
aci_req_entry2 Returned information about executing commands
request_no DAS command sequence serial
individ_no reserved, not used
clientname name of the requesting client
req_type type of the outstanding command
Refer to Table 4-31
Volser the volser number
Drive the drive number
AreaName the import or export area
PoolName the pool name (scratch, clean)
VolserRange the range of the volser
StartCoord starting coordinates of the range
EndCoord the ending coordinates of the range
Table 4-33 Explanation of the Req_types
req_types Explanation
BACO switch barcode reading on or off (aci_barcode)
EJCL eject of cleaning cartridges (aci_ejectclean)
INCL insert media from I/O unit with aci_insertgen
INVT insert media from I/O with aci_insert
KEEP keep media from drive (aci_dismount)
MOUNT mount media to a drive (aci_mount)
MOVE eject media to I/O unit (aci_eject, aci_eject_complete)