5-8 DAS ACI 3.0 Asynchronous Support Layer
The aci_async_add function with the das_insert parameter
inserts volumes into the AML. See Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6 aci_async_add Function with the das_insert Parameter
This function is for compatibility. Please use the
aci_insertgen function.
The cartridges which are actually located in the insert area of
the AML and registered by the AMU (automatically
inventoried after closing the area) will be inserted.
• Volsers which already have a entry in the AMU database,
will be moved to this position.
• Volsers which have no entry in the AMU database, will be
moved to the first free slot (AMU database
: "
of this media type of the Type
• Cartridges with an invalid volser (barcode not readable)
will moved to the problembox.
See Table 5-4 for a description of the parameters for the
aci_insert function call.
Table 5-3 Parameter for the das_force Parameter
Parameter Description
drive name of the drive for the dismount
aci_async_add (das_insert, *insert_area, *volser_range,