Parameter Data (Parms Structure) 5-25
21 Dec 2001
Parameter Data (Parms Structure)
This union contains several structures that hold the data
required for making an appropriate ACI call. All the
constants, starting with XDR, are defined in aci_xdr.h file.
Some of the structures contain unusable data fields. This is
done for better compatibility with RPC structures.
Developers who do not use the macros, may need to fill in
the structures. If the macros are used, the developer only
needs to take note of what the macros do.
See Figure 5-24 for the structure of the async_drive_parms.
Figure 5-24 async_drive_parms Structure
See Figure 5-25 for the structure of async_ei_parms.
Figure 5-25 async_ei_parms Structure
struct async_drive_parms {
char volser[XDR_VOLSER_LEN]; /* volser name
enum media type; /* media type
char drive[XDR_DRIVE_LEN]; /* drive name
enum drive_status drive_state; /* drive status - not
used here */
async_common common; /* common data - not
used here */
struct async_ei_parms {
char area_name[XDR_AREANAME_LEN]; /* I/E area name
char volser_range[XDR_RANGE_LEN]; /* volser range
enum media type; /* media type
struct common common; /* common data - not
used here */