Valid XML content in the FrameMaker user interface, with the Structure View and Element Catalog.
emphasized, product names, and
cautions and warnings. The style
sheet associates format and layout
information with these tags to
ensure, for instance, that chapter
names always start on a new recto
(right) page and appear in 16-point,
centered, Adobe Myriad® Bold type.
The template includes a set of style
sheet definitions, plus one or more
standardized master layout pages that
apply consistent parameters for the
positioning of text and graphics on
various types of pages (such as cover
and contents pages, ad pages, and
inside text pages).
FrameMaker software’s template-
driven workflow ensures consistent
formatting and layout of the content;
automated formatting and layout
reduces the need to manipulate a
publication’s components manually.
Even more valuable, however, is the
separation of the formatting and lay-
out decisions from the source content. This allows organizations to use a group of tem-
plates tailored to specific output media with exactly the same content.
Structured workflows
In structured or XML-based workflows, authors tag and organize content into a hierarchy
of elements, with attributes (metadata) attached to those elements. XML allows the user to
define and enforce a set of rules that apply to a specific document type (for instance, chap-
ters must start with a chapter name and contain one or more sections; sections must start
with a section name and contain text or subsections). These rules may be expressed using a
Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema. XML content that conforms to its DTD
or Schema is valid. FrameMaker software supports the production of valid content that is
often critical to XML workflows.
Because content tags can carry information about the meaning and usage of the informa-
tion, tagging facilitates easier interpretation of documents than is possible based on
appearance alone. Tagging has the added power of enabling software applications to intelli-
gently process content. For documents, this can mean the automatic production of tables
of contents, indices, lists of figures, and navigation links. Tagging is also the key to XML-
based solutions that provide personalized, customized or interactive versions of the con-